
Click Here for, DANCING WITH THE WILD BEAST, diary among friends of the Mozambique Bush

Hard Nosed Big Game Hounds

Hard Nosed Big Game Hounds
Click the pic for "The hard Nosed Pack"

Luwire Photographic Safaris

Luwire Photographic Safaris
Looking across the Lugenda from one of the camps

Saturday, March 20, 2010

ahh, I Remember You.

I have many memories from the past that continue to influence me in ongoing ways. They are always with me, always there just under the surface out of the current, tucked away low, behind a submerged rock, tuft of grass or a dead limb. There they abide like the Dude, always guiding my way when I falter or pause en route to somewhere new that gives me a desperate chill of apprehension, or when backtracking to find my way around some obstacle that has appeared in my way. Those small devilishly clever glimpses of by gone time that will never come again, that have lived their moment, whether a day, hour, minute, or just a second in my life and have stayed right here, right with me. They push their way up to the surface of my being occasionally, some more often than others, some only once or twice in ever so long a while, and some I can feel down there even now, down deep, just waiting for the special reason they were put there for, that will bring a rise and put me strait again thankfully, providing a bit of Novocaine so to speak to my wayward consciousness. Funny how your insides pick what it picks as memories go. I often find myself wondering why I remembered this or that? Why that came to me when it did, what is the meaning of such thought? I may not get it right off, but I surely know that down the road somewhere I will see clearly, looking back I will understand because, there, will be the change in direction I took if ever so slight a change it was, it was a change that made the right difference for me. Remember what your dreams are, listen to their big pull or slight tugs as they massage your soul. Remember when they come up and disturb the surface, your surface, the one that matters to you alone, keep them close, if you can, pull them even closer. In so doing you will travel well and you will travel true. AP


1 comment:

Tavarua said...


Well said and written - You sure have had an interesting life...
(Few people can turn their life in to their own philosophy...you have done it).

All the best ...

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COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Audwin McGee and Sons of Savages (www.sonsofsavages.com), 2008-2009-2010-2011,2012,2013,2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sons of Savages with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Me

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I’m a Southern Boy, just 56 last November, I get around here and there, Central America, Africa, Red Bay. I’m a Father, Grandfather, Husband, Artist and general flunky of sorts. Live in a little historic town in an old building I remodeled. Just wanted to hear myself think I guess, talk about the need of simplification, show some art, express an interest or two, brag on my dogs and see where it goes. That’s it!, That’s the deal, Thanks