Ch. Whippoorwill Wild Agin Has Died
By Dr. Terry Terlep | May 01, 2014
Whippoorwill Wild Agin
BOSTON, GA. — National Champion (2008) and prominent sire Whippoorwill Wild Agin died recently due to the infirmities of advancing age. Wild Agin was bred by Dr. Jack Huffman at Whippoorwill Farm in Michigan City, Miss., where the son of Whippoorwill Wild Jack ex Whippoorwill Girl was born and raised and trained by Larry Huffman for owners Dr. Jack Huffman and Dr. Terry Terlep.
The Huffman family — Piper, Larry, Wyatt and Ty — all had a hand in the raising and training of the pup named Jack.
Wild Agin started his field trial career as a Derby in 2004 with five open Derby wins, including runner-up at the All-America Derby Championship. Jack went on to win nine open all-age events including the National Championship in 2008; the American Quail Classic; twice winner of the Southern Championship and named runner-up of this event on two other occasions; runner-up in the Mississippi Championship and winner of the Benton County twice. He was a competitor with considerable talent, courage and stamina.
Wild Agin’s ability to sire winning offspring was his forte and he passed many of his physical athletic attributes to his offspring. He was an individual with a beautiful stride and his sons and daughters show the easy running style that carry them over a lot of ground with very little effort.
His offspring have exerted a considerable influence on the pointer breed. Recent 2014 accomplishments include champion Dazzling and runner-up Skyfall of the 2014 Georgia Derby Championship, respectively; 2014 Continental Championship runner-up Erin’s Wild Justice; 2014 National Amateur Free-for-All winner The Crowd Pleaser, and the 2014 Texas Championship runner-up Whippoorwill Wild Assault.
Dazzling has won the 2014 Purina All-Age Derby of the Year Award.
Upon his retirement in 2010, Jack moved to Boston, Ga., where he lived out his days enjoying life to the fullest. Always a happy dog, he was a pleasure to be with and he enjoyed human friendship and attention. He was the noble animal he was meant to be and he always did the usual unusually well throughout his life.
He died AGIN?....... Sorry, I couldn't resist....L.B.
No Problem L.B.
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