What can I say? These two are already trying to eat each other and everything else they come in contact with! I love it, German Hunt Terriers are known for their grit, determination and keen sense of smell. These two will become an interesting addition to the mix of Plotts, Black Mouth Curs and the rest. My wife Sandi has already laid down the law about not letting them get hurt hunting with the larger dogs, personally
I'm concerned for the larger dogs!
Is there anything more intriguing than a pup,enjoy my friend.
Thank you James, I don't think I have ever gotten so attached so quickly. I'll keep you posted
Congratulations on your beautiful new additions to your family. Looking at those pups makes one suspicous of anybody who doesn't like dogs. Cheers, Chris
Hum it's time to hide your slippers !!!! Devils in disguise !! ;)
Unreal. When you go, you go all out.
I was advised over drinks with an old Florida hog hunter, that these dogs, are not pets, they are intense, insane hunting partners.
I think you have added feral hog hunting to your list of hobbies, whether you know it or not!
Congrats, I bet they will be awesome dogs.
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