Niassa Reserve seethes under the heat of November, every tree, every blade of grass, thorn, and animal, looking to the sky for relief, relief that’s sure to come as always this month or next. Not, mind you, without a little or a lot of teasing from the clouds. The birds and animals can feel the change and you might think you can, but not really, you can only hypothesize. Here you have to be born and survive to a proper adulthood if your that fortunate, man or beast. Maybe then you will be granted the knowing of what is coming down the wind, sometime it’s better not to know.
I unfortunately or fortunately wasn’t born here nor did I have to fight to reach adulthood as everything born here is destined to do. Tealeaves were cast, read and the Display Window orchestrated as to effect my wanderings and to this place of wildness I arrived. As I look back beyond the obvious, deeper and deeper into that large dressed window that brought me here, a very complex scene continues to emerge. So I stand and gaze in so as to enlighten myself of all that Niassa is, all that she will or will not become and in this manner I have stepped into a life I will never truly be able to completely embrace as I would like, but just the same what little I have been so graciously blessed to participate in I truly relish as some of the best living I have ever experienced.
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