Monday, July 1, 2013

Somebody Else's Memories bringing on a melancholy night here in Alabama

I lived in this little hamlet of a place off and on for about 4 years or so. It was called Porto Amelia in these old Photos and now after the War of Independence it has been dubbed Pemba. In some of the post card photos there is also the capital, Laurenco Marques back then and Maputo now. I wonder what it will look like in another 50 years, probably a little larger but much the same unless they have another go at another war which wouldn't surprise me, they're stirring the pot over there as I speak. Too much money flowing now that oil and gas and coal have been discovered and as usual the same old African assembly line of hands are already stretched out and waiting and those that are not feeling their proper volume of "under the table green" are already gathering forces in the old mountains that harboured them back in the sixties and seventies and are not making idle threats. I think 17 or 18 have been killed so far all plain folks except for 7 or so army that were slain and the arms depot robbed of who knows what. One of the Australian Coal Companies operating in Tete Province have shut down operations as the rebels have threatened ambushing the rail line. Africa would drown itself in a coke bottle top if people would just stand back and give it time, I've never seen anything like it but it's the way it is and has been since the beginning and it will never change no matter how much money, time, blood and tears are rained down upon it. Africa forever the "Continent of Greed and Blood".
I miss it heavily!

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