Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sheryl Putnam, One exqusite Soul.

I have friends that do amazing things, Sheryl is among those. Besides being the better half of the marriage that includes the Great Song Producer and Base Guitarists, "Norbert Putnam", whom I also count as a close friend, partly because of his good-looking better half and the fact that I can never get enough of his wonderful stories from "The Land of Norbert" I call it. Norbert has produced lots of world class talent from, Jimmy Buffet, Dan Folgeberg to Joan Baez etc. etc. but for now were here to do honor to Sheryl! Sheryl has an uncanny knack for connections. Mind you this is my take on her art and it's Sage-ness. Sheryl seems to feel the soul of people even before she meets them, to put it mildly, Sheryl is in touch with more than just everyday life. For me there is no other explanation other than God has given her a gift and thankfully for us she passes it on! She makes with her hands, luscious, comforting, strikingly elaborate, scarfs, wraps and prayer pockets. I have visited and experienced her studio, packed with finds from all over the world, parts of Vintage Rosaries, Buttons, Jewelry, bits of wonderful Antique Lace and Silks from Amsterdam to Grenada Mississippi and even more interesting they all have a history. All kinds of exquisite Vintage Ribbons, little charms, pins and this and that, all very beautiful and breath taking. These items are all hand woven into Scarfs,Throws, Wraps along with those wonderful Prayer Pockets. The Prayer Pockets often seem to have a life of their own by finding that person with a special need, the need for comforting. The Prayer Pockets allow for displaying indiscreetly, their hope and faith for the positive results of their prayer. A special symbol that translates to others in a understated way as a stand for a prayer to be answered. I hope you have the pleasure of meeting Sheryl sometime. If your that fortunate remember, take time and experience her calming spirit, if you have felt a need for a little comforting you can take with you anywhere, there is probably a piece she has made waiting there for you. Hopefully, I'm told there is a Sheryl Putnam web-site in the works. I'll keep you posted. Ap

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