
Click Here for, DANCING WITH THE WILD BEAST, diary among friends of the Mozambique Bush

Hard Nosed Big Game Hounds

Hard Nosed Big Game Hounds
Click the pic for "The hard Nosed Pack"

Luwire Photographic Safaris

Luwire Photographic Safaris
Looking across the Lugenda from one of the camps

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Down in the Caribbean, Bay Islands Hondouras

This was my Dad's old Offshore Supply Vessel. These pics was of her when she was lying off Utila in the Bay Islands. Dad was salvaging a small island freighter that was partially sunk in the bay. He was killed in a car accident in Chappas Mexico and I went down afterwards and finished up.  We raised the freighter and sold it to a dive company on Roatan. They took it offshore and sunk it for a diving wreck for Tourists. Good Memories. My daughter Mareth went down with me, she was 8 or 9, back in those days there were only three or four vehicles on the island. Everyone knew each other and Mareth would play with the island kids roaming all over. She really grew into a very independent young lady at a young age, I mean she learned that she could take care of herself. I relied on her alot during those days, she kept me up and going. She was and is always a very positive young lady. We had a lot of fun down there. I caught my first Bone Fish and Permit on a fly there, Mareth was with me for both, she has good eyes for spotting fish!


Anonymous said...

That's what life is about memories like those....

Imperial Black said...

Utila- now that brings back memories. I think I could live a thousand lives throughout that entire coast. love the words

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COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Audwin McGee and Sons of Savages (www.sonsofsavages.com), 2008-2009-2010-2011,2012,2013,2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sons of Savages with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Me

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I’m a Southern Boy, just 56 last November, I get around here and there, Central America, Africa, Red Bay. I’m a Father, Grandfather, Husband, Artist and general flunky of sorts. Live in a little historic town in an old building I remodeled. Just wanted to hear myself think I guess, talk about the need of simplification, show some art, express an interest or two, brag on my dogs and see where it goes. That’s it!, That’s the deal, Thanks