Saturday, February 27, 2010

Down in the Caribbean, Bay Islands Hondouras

This was my Dad's old Offshore Supply Vessel. These pics was of her when she was lying off Utila in the Bay Islands. Dad was salvaging a small island freighter that was partially sunk in the bay. He was killed in a car accident in Chappas Mexico and I went down afterwards and finished up.  We raised the freighter and sold it to a dive company on Roatan. They took it offshore and sunk it for a diving wreck for Tourists. Good Memories. My daughter Mareth went down with me, she was 8 or 9, back in those days there were only three or four vehicles on the island. Everyone knew each other and Mareth would play with the island kids roaming all over. She really grew into a very independent young lady at a young age, I mean she learned that she could take care of herself. I relied on her alot during those days, she kept me up and going. She was and is always a very positive young lady. We had a lot of fun down there. I caught my first Bone Fish and Permit on a fly there, Mareth was with me for both, she has good eyes for spotting fish!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random, Yes. Interesting? you tell me

Young Trombower, A very good friend!

Allan and his Lioness

Coming through the Bamboo

Ole Danny Boy, I miss my boy

Maremo and the Danny Boy

Me and A D6 in Africa no less. I was in A.P. McGee Heaven

The "Old Bar at Blackfoot", or, "The Camp" Pemba Mozambique

Another Buddy that has gone on.

A new Dugout, I counted 18 days of hacking and chopping

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just thinking bout an Old Buddy Way up North!

My friend Rob Wilson came to Africa a few years back by way Saskatoon SK. and another friend. He stayed with me for a month or so checking out the fishing over in the Indian Ocean. We met up at the SCI show later the next year and he brought his wife to be, "Sarah" along. We had a big time in Reno. Now he's a Daddy and a Husband not to mention he has always been a great fishing guide. I'm happy for him, he deserves the fruit of his labors. Looks like he is having too much fun though. AP

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Working Dogs, Bred to Hunt, Plotts, Cats, Jagds, Black Mouth.

These are the mothers and fathers of a new pack of hounds I am putting together. Some of the pups haven't been born yet but they will be the best bred Working Dogs for Big Game I can find. The last time I had hounds was back in the 80s. I hunted coon, squirrel, bobcat, and coyotes with some, and ran deer with others. My dogs were Red Bones and Black and Tans, they were beautiful. There weren't "Wild Pigs" back then but now the Feral Pig population has grown to such numbers in the South and especially in our area that I think it's time to develop another infamous bunch of McGee Hounds. Hunting Dogs excite me, and the planning of this new pack of hounds has given me all kinds of inspiration for new paintings and sculpture not to mention all the new stories and memories. What are we if we fail to create Memories? I'll keep you posted on the Dogs and the Art. AP